ACE Premier League
Four Teams, Spades, Clubs, Hearts and Diamonds
17 player Squads
Indoor and Outdoor Matches
The Team with the most points at the end of the year wins the league
APL Format
12 Tectum Matches (6 points per match)
9 T20 Matches (10 points per match)
3 Thirty Five Over Matches (15 points)
Points for Best Bowler, Batsman, Fielder, Keeper, MVP
Maximum points: 250
Tectum APL Matches.
Each Team Plays each other team 4 times
Format: 20 overs a side
Players per match: 8
Total Matches per team: 12
Matches played over: August, September, October
Points per match towards to APL: 6 points per match
Points for a tie or a draw: 1 point
MOM Award: 1 point
Negative Points for Late Start/Not completing Overs: -2 points.
(Mutually exclusive from the in game penalty of runs/overs deducted/added in the game)
T20 APL Matches
Each Team Plays each other team 3 times
Format: T20
Total Matches per team: 9
Matches played over: October - May
Points per match towards to APL: 10 points per match
Points for a tie or a draw: 3 points
MOM Award: 1 point
Negative Points for Late Start/Not completing Overs: -3 points.
(Mutually exclusive from the in game penalty of runs/overs deducted/added in the game)
35 Over APL Matches
Each Team Plays each other team Once
Format: Forty overs a Side
Total Matches per team: 3
Match played: Feb - May
Points per match towards to APL: 15 points per match
Points for a tie or a draw: 6 points
MOM Award: 1 point
Negative Points for Late Start/Not completing Overs: -4 points.
(Mutually exclusive from the in game penalty of runs/overs deducted/added in the game)
Points for Best Batsman:
First Place: 10
Second Place: 8
Third Place: 6
Fourth Place: 4
Fifth Place: 2
Points for Best Bowler:
First Place: 10
Second Place: 8
Third Place: 6
Fourth Place: 4
Fifth Place: 2
Points for MVP:
First Place: 15
Second Place: 10
Third Place: 8
Fourth Place: 5
Fifth Place: 2
Points for Best Fielder:
First Place: 5
Second Place: 4
Third Place: 3
Fourth Place: 2
Fifth Place: 1
Points for Best Keeper:
First Place: 3
Second Place: 2
Third Place: 1